(+41) 022.735.32.00 info@poctelecom.ch

PoC video service

(PTT Over Cellular)

We offer the first complete PoC (Push to Talk over Cellular) video sharing solution in real time with a multitude of possibilities.

Keep the advantage of instant group communications (conferencing) over the radio using your smartphone.

Ptt, Messages, Live video sharing, geolocation, Group and Individual Liaisons.

This solution avoids the investment of a portable or mobile radio structure.

The system is installed on our servers to ensure data security. (Europe)

We can also offer you an interconnection between your existing Radio network (Digital / Analog) and the PoC service.

The app is available for Android Smartphone and Apple IOS


ALL Services

Ptt, Chat,  Live Video Sharing, Geolocation, Group and Individual Talk.


The system can operate on different types of equipment. Whether you are an Android user or Apple IOS, we have the APP for you. The camera of your Smartphone as well as your GPS allow you to use all the functions of the POC system.


With the PoC system, you have the advantages of instant group communications. You can make group calls or individual calls. (Security, technical teams in the field)Safe & Secure The server is hosted in a Datacenter in Europe. This allows us to keep the management of the data flows that pass through the server. 

Safe & Secure

The Server is hosted in a Datacenter in Europe. This give us the ability to keep all Data by ourself.


We train you on the simple and advanced use of the different services.

The Possibilities

Take advantage of the multitude of possibilities on offer

PTT Video, Live Video Sharing, Chat, Image Transfer, User Geolocation, PTT Priorities, Alert Message, Conversation History, Group and Individual Communications.

Using existing networks with a 3G / 4G and WiFi subscription

Send documents / images through the app

Geolocate all your employees in real time

The server is protected and saved at our host

All your communications and messages are archived locally on your smartphone

Send images to Dispatch center for doubts


Dispatch Center


We offer a dispatch internet access that allows you to manage all your employees at any time from every Browser

Contact us for a demonstration on your own Smartphone!